Each tenant should establish an Emergency Response (ER) Team based on the positions described below. We understand that no two buildings are alike, therefore, positions can be added to your Evacuation Team, if necessary, to provide ample coverage. In some cases, tenants may want to share responsibilities in common areas on the floor. Additionally, each tenant is encouraged to establish an after-hours calling tree for contacting its’ employees in the event of an emergency.


The Emergency Response Team consists of the Endeavor Person In Charge, Floor Wardens, Suite Monitors, Searchers, Special Assistants, Stairwell and Elevator Monitors, and Alternates. It is each Emergency Response Team member’s responsibility to be familiar with the Plan, the emergency exits, and the location and operation of any available fire alarm system, equipment, and extinguishers.


The following table outlines the roles and responsibilities of Emergency Response Team members. All of the following roles are appointed by you, the tenant, with the exception of the Endeavor Person In Charge who is the most senior member of the property team on- site at the time of an emergency.


Evacuation Team Member




         Key Responsibilities

Endeavor Person In Charge

  • Manages the evacuation of the entire building; the most senior property team member on-site at the time of emergency (e.g. Property Manager, Engineer, Security, or the MOD)
  • Is subordinate to any local authorities upon their arrival; however, the Endeavor Person In Charge remains in charge of all Endeavor obligations.
  • Provides overall management/supervision  of the emergency evacuation.
  • Handles all external (e.g. local authorities) and internal  communications.
  • Makes all decisions related to building emergencies and evacuation.
  • Above all, has the responsibility to protect life and property.

Floor Wardens

  • Manages the evacuation of the assigned suite and common areas of the floor.
  • Appointed by the tenant.
  • Is also the Suite Monitor for the assigned suite.
  • Organizes and directs the Tenant Emergency Response Team for the assigned suite and common areas of the floor.
  • Keeps the Endeavor Person In Charge informed of absences of Tenant Emergency Response Team members who are responsible for common areas.
  • Ensures all common areas on their assigned floor are evacuated.

Suite Monitors

  • Manages the evacuation of the assigned suite.
  • Appointed by each tenant for each suite.
  • Organizes and directs the Tenant Emergency Response Team for the assigned suite.
  • Keeps property team informed of any change to the list of individuals requiring special assistance, as well as any absences or changes of the Tenant Emergency Response Team for their suite.


  • Ensures no one is left behind.
  • Appointed  by  the  tenant  for each suite.
  • Appointed by the Floor Warden for common areas.
  • Searches  and  evacuates  all  rooms  in  the assigned suite
  • Searches and evacuates common areas on the assigned floor.
  • Informs the Suite Monitor when assigned area is fully evacuated.

Special Assistants

  • Aid persons requiring special assistance.
  • Appointed by the tenant for each floor.
  • Ensures that those needing special assistance are evacuated safely.
  • Two Special Assistants are required for every individual requiring assistance.

Stairwell Monitors

  • Manages stairwell evacuation inside suites and common areas.
  • Appointed by the tenant for each suite.
  • Appointed by the Floor Warden for common areas
  • Ensures that the stairwell door is not hot to the touch and there is no smoke in the stairwell.
  • Monitor #1: Holds the stairwell door, keeps talking to a minimum, does not allow food and beverages into the stairwell, and ensures those evacuating stay on the right side of the stairwell.
  • Monitor #2: Stands on the stairwell landing to direct traffic flow and encourages evacuees to remain calm and quiet.

Elevator Monitors

  • Prevents use of elevators.
  • Appointed by the tenant for each suite.
  • Appointed by the Floor Warden for common areas.
  • Ensures that no one uses the elevators in an emergency.
  • Redirects occupants to stairwells.